Short Story Competition 2018
Results and Prizewinners
Age Category 7 to 11 (school entry)
1st Pippa Stephens, age 7, Hall Grove School, Surrey
2nd Lilyanne Fletcher, Age 11, Wadebridge Primary, Cornwall
3rd Phoebe Leonard, Age 11, The Royal School, Surrey
Highly Commended: Jack Milton, Age 10, Exwick Heights Primary School, Devon
Age Category 7 to 11 (individual entry)
1st Eva Reid, age 11, Cornwall
2nd Cecilia Sheppard, age 8, Surrey
3rd Sophia Brennen, age 10, Surrey
Age Category 12 to 16
1st Hope Wood, age 12, Hall Grove School, Surrey
2nd Alfie Anderson, age 13, Milford Haven Sea Cadet Unit
3rd Theo Janelid, age 13, Woodcote House School, Surrey
Highly Commended: Oliver Butcher, age 14, Dorset
Highly Commended: Helena de Vries, age 12, Surrey
Highly Commended: Danielle Grey, age 16, TS Duncan, Dundee
Age Category 17 to 21
1st Jenna Islam, age 17, London
The judges decided to award only one prize in this category.